Summon trio of gouache paintingsWhen we bring awareness to our state of being, we automatically trigger an internal energy shift… sometimes profound. I experienced such a shift in late January of 2014. I was driving a van full of family members in the town where I was raised. Everyone was frantically texting with other groups about meeting up at a popular restaurant during peak hours. We were running late and I felt my anxiety building. I was unhappy and wanted to escape. Then, in a split second everything changed. My observing ego stepped up and acknowledged my state of mind; noticed what was happening… and in doing so spontaneously initiated a complete reversal in the way I was experiencing my situation. I was now relaxed and found myself relishing the precious moments of family togetherness. I was resting in the present.

“This is golden,” I thought. I used the Summons Series of paintings to practice understanding that particular shift of energy so that I could repeat it.