After the Geometric Series of paintings on canvas with shaped frames, the pull toward three-dimensions and sculptural work led to my first installation piece. The vortexes that I had been painting morphed into three-dimensional mountain shapes and volcanoes constructed on canvas were laid flat on a wooden table.

After a few of these, I eliminated the canvas altogether and created whole scenes working directly on the tables. They became places, spaces in which to interact, using constructed and found objects. I worked with composer Anne Hege to create a sound track to accompany the viewer’s meandering. One could choose a cat-shaped avatar, designed by my daughter Cassidy, to move about the tabletops, or to use in interaction with other objects for exploration.

The installation was first shown in New York City at the New Century Artists Gallery in Soho. My goal was to encourage living in the present and being more playful. The message is: Leave the world of tension outside
and explore as a child.