Truth Series, 2006-2008: Exploring the meaning of truth. Finding a truth that can free us. Images of mounds emitting beams of wisdom that lead to new growth. Moving energy up and out. Freedom from suffering. Energy shift relating to deeper understanding. The series culminated I’m 2008 with the publication of Truthzine—a book combining images and interviews with many people about the meaning of truth.
Truth Zine Art BookDuring the fall of 2007, I conducted a series of interviews, with 34 people to explore beliefs about truth, while simultaneously painting in gouache and acrylic. The result is a 35-page, 8 x 11 inch, horizontal, paper Zine, with cloth binding.

Original artwork by Joell Jones
Preliminary Edit & Layout by Cory Gunter Brown
Design and Prepress by Jan Camp
© Joell Jones, 2008